Virtually serving All of Maryland

Four Steps to Building a Career Vision Board That Gets You Results


Let's face it, the corporate ladder can feel more like a treadmill at times. You hustle, grind, climb, and yet the scenery rarely changes. But what if you could break free from the hamster wheel and build your career on your terms? Enter the vision board, your secret weapon for manifesting your professional dreams.

Why Vision Boards? More Than Just Paper and Glue:

Think vision boards are just for kindergarteners with glue-stick dreams? Think again. For career professionals, they're a powerful tool for:

  • Clarity: Transform vague aspirations into tangible goals. Craving a corner office with a view? Stick a picture of that skyline baby! Promotion on the horizon? Clip that CEO article.
  • Motivation Booster: Seeing your goals plastered on your wall keeps you fired up when the daily grind gets tough. Every glance serves as a reminder of why you're pushing through.
  • Opportunity Magnet: You become more attuned to possibilities that align with your vision. That dream project might just land in your lap because you put it out there.
  • Confidence Catalyst: Visualizing your success fuels self-belief. Seeing yourself in that big corner office is the first step to getting there.

Building Your Masterpiece:

Forget the Pinterest-perfect aesthetic. Your vision board is your personal manifesto, not a curated Instagram feed. Here's 4 steps to help get you results:

  1. Dream Excavation: Grab a journal and dig deep. What do you truly desire? Leadership roles, creative freedom, work-life balance? Write it all down, no judgment.
  2. Image Safari: Scour the web, magazines, even your own photo albums for visual representations of your goals. A bustling conference room for networking dreams? A serene beach for your remote work aspirations? Let the hunt begin!
  3. Canvas Creation: Paper, cork or whiteboard, even your laptop screen – choose any platform. Arrange your treasures intuitively, letting your story unfold. Don't be afraid to get messy, this is your creative playground!
  4. Affirmation Antenna: Words are powerful. Add inspiring quotes and mantras that resonate with you. "I am a leader," "My work makes a difference," – let the affirmations you choose charge your vision board with your ambition.

Bonus Tip: Place your masterpiece where you'll see it often. Your morning coffee table, your office desk – a constant visual reminder of your aspirations keeps you focused and fueled.

Remember: This isn't a static to-do list, it's a living, breathing roadmap for your career journey. Update it as your goals evolve, celebrate milestones with new clippings, and let it be a source of inspiration and motivation. So grab some glue sticks or a printer, and build the career you desire!

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Brooke Harris

Brooke Harris runs a virtual psychotherapy private practice in Maryland, where she specializes in working with career professionals on childhood trauma, imposter syndrome and stress, as well as with adults on depression, anxiety and spirituality.  When not in office, she is trying new recipes and singing karaoke.

Let me help you achieve success as you define it, as you deserve it in your career and life.

Virtually serving ALL of Maryland
Phone: 240-718-4880

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