Virtually serving All of Maryland and Washington, D.C.

Therapy in Maryland and Washington, D.C. for career professionals

Holistically helping career professionals create success as they define it, as they deserve it.

Heal from trauma
Decrease stress & anxiety
Transform imposter syndrome
Navigate depression

Meet Brooke Harris

My goal is to explore, challenge and help you build more skills that will get you to the life and career goals you want. I do this by being present to what is needed at the moment, maintaining a safe and brave space, and using mindful and somatic techniques that promote a deeper and more holistic connection.


Imposter Syndrome

Stress & Anxiety


Is It Time To Make a Change?

You've worked so hard but...

…something doesn’t feel right.

The effects of your past have taken their toll, and life has become so busy with a constant undercurrent of stress that impacts you almost daily.

Your mind is elsewhere even when spending time with loved ones, and if that wasn’t distracting enough, your negative thoughts are always ready to pop up when you least want them to.

Imposter syndrome relentlessly arises, despite your reputation as being “the strong one” or one who “gets-it-done.” 

You find yourself pulled in so many directions, trying to people please, that no one gets the best of you — least of all yourself.

You deserve the life you want.

High-achieving professionals like you are told that fulfillment lies in having a great job, family and home but you have no time and no energy left to enjoy the life you’ve built.  Yet, what you truly crave is peace. 

You need a sense of freedom. You want to feel joy.  You truly desire the time and energy to be fully present and committed to your relationships, health, family, recreation, spiritual life, and legacy.  So let me tell you the truth: You deserve it.  You can have it.  

Here are the steps to get started… 


You Can Change Things.

You just need some help.  Let me help you live out success on your terms.

Virtually serving ALL of Maryland and Washington, D.C.
Phone: 240-718-4880

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Online Therapy

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